“We are Christians who support the dignity, safety, and equality of women and LGBTQ+ people as an expression of our faith. I pray that President Trump and his administration will do the same.” — The Most Rev. Sean Rowe, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church...
To make a gift or donation to support God’s work at Trinity, please feel free to call the Church Office 215.794.7921 and speak to Sara , Trinity’s parish administrator; or you may email Sara at office@trinitybuckingham.org. Alternatively, you can always click here to...
Click here to register for Trinity’s blood drive! Please join us for a blood drive at Trinity Episcopal Church on Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There is an emergency national blood shortage – can you help replenish the Red...
Please click the image above to open the Sunday bulletin for the 10 am service. Trinity usually offers Sunday worship services at 8 am and 10 am in the Main Sanctuary. The 10 am service is live streamed. Trinity’s worship services that are held in the Main Sanctuary...
On 7/28 the Pennsylvania diocese will kick off a yearlong celebration of women in the Church — capturing the voices of those who were inspired and changed by the ordination of women into The Episcopal Church.Join us for a service and lunch. Churches from across the...
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