Here Is The Service Leaflet For Trinity’s Great Vigil of Easter — Please Join Us

Trinity’s Great Vigil of Easter service will be held in-person on Saturday, April 16th at 7 pm. We will not be able to live-stream the service because it is being held outside.
To open the service leaflet to the Great Vigil service, please click on the image above and then scroll through The Great Three Days to the Easter Vigil.
This is the night to be immersed in who we are as God’s people. We gather around a pillar of flame, and are filled to the brim with the stories of God’s saving acts on our behalf—stories which both refresh and perplex us. Just as Good Friday contains elements of both suffering and triumph, so does the Vigil. This is our Passover with Christ from darkness to light, from bondage to freedom, from death to life.
Please join us!