Join St. Philip’s New Hope in our “undie”raiser for I Support the Girls. The event will be held at Trinity Buckingham Church on Saturday, March 1st from 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM. The cost of admission is $20. We also ask that you bring undies, bras or period...
“We are Christians who support the dignity, safety, and equality of women and LGBTQ+ people as an expression of our faith. I pray that President Trump and his administration will do the same.” — The Most Rev. Sean Rowe, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church...
Recognize the signs, respond with compassion, and prevent suicide. Deacon Dr. James Massey will be offering QPR training — Question, Persuade, Respond — a tested and proven method to empower gatekeepers to recognize the signs, respond with compassion, and...
High school senior Catherine Greenwald is organizing a winter clothing drive for her senior project and a bin will be available at Trinity for donations! Catherine will be collecting winter clothing for Project HOME (click here for a link), and the collection...
Bishop Curry: “You may know me as the pastor who is always talking about love, and I am. But today I am mindful that the urgency of love—true, sacrificial love that respects all of humanity—is not just a good feeling, and it is not easy. We are called to...
Whether you are an active member of Trinity, an occasional visitor, or a devoted friend from our online spiritual community, your generosity makes it possible for the parish of Trinity Buckingham Episcopal Church to answer our divine call to nurture the world and one...
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