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Trinity invites Trinity Facebook followers and Trinity members and their families and friends to an outdoor worship service at Pavilion #5 in Peace Valley Park on August 22nd at 10 am.
This will be a one-service Sunday. A Bring-Your-Own-Lunch follows, and paper goods and seltzer will be provided.
Because of the continuing pandemic, each household should plan to bring its own lunch. Any food you bring to share should be individually packaged (e.g. single serving packages of potato chips or Little Debbie snack cakes). Water and seltzer and paper goods will be provided.
If you have any questions, please contact Jill Unger at 215-340-1582 or email
Please join us! 
Directions from Chalfont and New Britain area to Peace Valley Park.
Take Rt. 152 north to New Galena Road. Turn right onto New Galena Road which will take you right into the park at the Callowhill entrance (about 1 1/2 miles) . Once in the park drive almost all the way through the park to the Lake View North area. Pavilion #5 will be on your right. Pavilion #5 has a great view of the lake. Bring your bike and other family games. A playground is there with restrooms.
Directions from Doylestown to Pavilion 5 at Peace Valley Park. Take Rt. 313 west almost 2 miles. Turn left onto New Galena Road. Drive New Galena Road approx. 1 mile to the Peace Valley Park entrance on your left. Enter the park and the Lake View North area Pavilion #5 will be the first area on your left.