Whether you are an active member of Trinity, an occasional visitor, or a devoted friend from our online spiritual community, your generosity makes it possible for the parish of Trinity Buckingham Episcopal Church to answer our divine call to nurture the world and one another with God’s love.

— The Rev. Dr. Nancy Burton Dilliplane, Rector



You can press the GIVE button below to offer a secure donation to support Trinity’s ministry. 

(To give to Trinity on a recurring basis, please instead click HERE to complete and forward your recurring gift through electronic funds transfer. You may also contact the office directly for assistance by calling 215-794-7921 or by sending an email to office@trinitybuckingham.org.)


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Here are just a few of our ministries at Trinity Buckingham.

All of these acts of love help to fulfill Christ’s call to us to be servants to one another —

— hosting a quality Jazz & Joe evening performance monthly,

— Senior Who Cares lunch gatherings,

— prayer shawl ministry,

— Episcopal Church Women (ECW),

— Sunday school children making cards for veterans,

— meals served to our neighbors,

— seasonal food collections, and

— supporting the material needs of an apartment in a local family shelter.


Thank you for joining us in these ministries of God’s love!